About Life Ministry
Through numerous domestic and international programs, LCMS Life Ministry supports and encourages life “in the image of God,” through life-affirming programming, advocacy and teaching.
Through LCMS Life Ministry, the Body of Christ comes together to value all human life — from conception to natural death.
LCMS Life Ministry speaks up for life, cares for people in body and soul and teaches about the sanctity of human life.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life Ministry network is comprised of thousands of people throughout the LCMS who are passionate about and engaged in sanctity of human life efforts, both in our church body and the culture at large. We speak for human life by witnessing to our Lord’s creation of life and His design for marriage and the family, and by advocating for the God-given value of all human life in the public square. We care for human life by sharing Christ’s love and mercy, caring for people in body and soul by sponsoring human care efforts in local communities through congregations, and internationally through our missionaries and partner church bodies. We educate by providing resources and events for people of all ages.
Deaconess Tiffany Manor
Director of LCMS Life Ministry