Rev. Dr. Leonard Payton joins Steph to talk about the challenges of being pro-life in the city, and how urban areas desperately need ...
Christian Meets World
Seminary professor Dr. Joel Biermann provides a field guide for navigating culture, society, and politics as a ...
The Floor is Yours: Abortion Restrictions
Welcome to our newest series – The Floor Is Yours…where expert guest Dr. Donna Harrison takes the mic and uses the “floor” to talk ...
The Abortion Conversation through the Decades
Guest Cathie Humbarger shares how the abortion conversation has changed throughout the years, and discusses how today’s arguments and ...
FLAME on Vocation
Listen in as Grammy® nominated artist FLAME talks about the Lutheran doctrine of vocation and the freedom that it brings in serving ...
Social Media and Life Issues
KFUO Radio’s Sarah Gulseth joins Steph Neugebauer to help answer the question: “How do we have a conversation about life issues ...
2021 Life Conference: What does this mean? Responding to Critical Race Theory and Social Justice
Our American culture is full of racial division, tension, and upheaval. Riots and demands for justice abound. How do we as Christians ...
2021 Life Conference: New Landscape of Religious Liberty
While the past century has seen numerous threats to religious liberty, our new landscape is shaped by a torrent of new challenges. The ...
2021 Life Conference: Valuing and Defending Life in the Public Square
For too long culture has influenced the Church rather than the other way around. Our vocation as Christian citizens calls us to defend ...
The Social Doctrine of the Augsburg Confession and Its Significance for the Present
In this essay, Hermann Sasse describes the theology of the “two regimens” (more commonly called “two kingdoms”) of the state and the church. Sasse addresses the widespread misunderstanding of the kingdom of God.
Christian Citizenship
We are all citizens of two kingdoms. One is the kingdom of this world. Christian citizenship will advance the cause of movements that strengthen the guarantees of order and law, keep separate church and state, keep sacred the institution of marriage, and protect the morals of youth.
The Christian: A Citizen of Two Kingdoms
Every person is a subject of two kingdoms — one spiritual, the other earthly. Both the godly and ungodly are citizens of an earthly kingdom or country. However, Lutherans are not always as great a blessing to their country as they should be.