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That They May Have Life

Every life is valuable. Every life is carefully created by God, deeply loved by Him, and mercifully redeemed by Christ.

In the pages of this booklet, you’ll have a chance to consider the importance of these simple truths and how they play out in day-to-day life in a fallen world. You’ll be given an opportunity to read what Scripture has to say about human life and its intrinsic value, why and how Christians can protect the unborn, the aging and the vulnerable, and how we can all strive to serve our neighbor with compassion – no matter the circumstances.

More Sanctity of Life Resources

Murdered in the Woods by a Robber

Murdered in the Woods by a Robber

The thought of suicide is never to be an option even though a government may permit or even promote it with ...
Mercy on Holy Ground

Mercy on Holy Ground

There is perhaps no more important place on earth for a Christian to show mercy to his or her neighbor than at the ...
Medical Directives and Some Misunderstandings

Medical Directives and Some Misunderstandings

Medical directives give directions in health care decision-making in anticipation of the possibility that the ...
Luther’s Handbook on Dying

Luther’s Handbook on Dying

The Gospel prepares you to die well. We prepare for death by going to the very place where death is defeated, ...
I Want to Burden My Loved Ones

I Want to Burden My Loved Ones

We shouldn’t hesitate to empower our loved ones to make medical decisions for us as long as they avoid the futile ...
If I Should Die

If I Should Die

Everyone needs to be ready to die. Death can come suddenly. But if death may come without warning, is it still ...
Hope That Gives Life

Hope That Gives Life

Christians need not fear death because God gives us His life and the promise of eternal life. Hope That Gives Life
Hope and Guidance

Hope and Guidance

Advance medical directives convey our wishes to caregivers when we no longer can. Christians approach these ...
Heavenly Misconceptions

Heavenly Misconceptions

The promise of eternal life for the Christian is the greatest and most comforting promise our Lord has given to ...
Grieving With Hope

Grieving With Hope

We all struggle in times of death, including Martin Luther. With repentant hearts as Christians, death invites us ...
God Is Not Done With You

God Is Not Done With You

There are no human words that can take away the pain suffered by grieving mothers. For now, the best we can hope ...
Comfort in the Face of Death

Comfort in the Face of Death

If you want to comfort a loved one who is dying, don’t pretend everything will be OK. Our comfort begins at the ...