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New Technologies, Old Questions: How to Stay Human in the Post-Christian Church

Developments in emerging technologies will lead to vast changes in the way we live. How do we ensure that technology enables us to be human and does not de-humanize, destroying freedom, melding persons and property, and turning us into cyborgs?

New Technologies, Old Questions: How to Stay Human in the Post-Christian Church

More Sanctity of Life Resources

The Floor is Yours: The Catechism as a Framework for Life

The Floor is Yours: The Catechism as a Framework for Life

Rev. Dr. John Pless, author of A Small Catechism on Human Life, joins Steph to discusses how Luther’s Small ...
The Roles & Blessings of Baptism Sponsors

The Roles & Blessings of Baptism Sponsors

If you’re baptized, if you have baptism sponsors, if you are a sponsor, then this episode is FOR ...
Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs

Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs

Deaconess Pamela shares a faithful and honest story of her mother’s dementia diagnosis and the grief she ...
Friends in Real Life: Parenting Twins in Autism

Friends in Real Life: Parenting Twins in Autism

Sam and Olivia share their story about the joys and the challenges they share in raising twin boys who have been ...
What is a Friend?

What is a Friend?

Join Steph and friend Kyla Rodriguez as they chat about what it means to be a friend in the truest sense of the ...
The National March for Life| Steph and The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge

The National March for Life| Steph and The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge

Host Steph Neugebauer was a guest on The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Podcast to share experiences about attending the ...
The Floor is Yours: Abortion Restrictions

The Floor is Yours: Abortion Restrictions

Welcome to our newest series – The Floor Is Yours…where expert guest Dr. Donna Harrison takes the mic and uses the ...
On Seeing Our Bodies As God Sees Them

On Seeing Our Bodies As God Sees Them

In this episode, our guest Dr. John Kleinig calls us back to fundamentals, opening our eyes to see our bodies and ...
Infant Loss & Miscarriage

Infant Loss & Miscarriage

This episode will bring comfort to the grieving, give insight to those who care for them, and point all to Jesus, ...
Special: Prayer Service for Life at the LCMS International Center

Special: Prayer Service for Life at the LCMS International Center

LCMS Life Ministry offers a Prayer Service for Life at the LCMS International Center in St. ...
Immigrants as Neighbors

Immigrants as Neighbors

Join Steph, Tiffany and special guest, Concordia Seminary professor Dr. Leo Sánchez, as they suggest a helpful ...
The Abortion Conversation through the Decades

The Abortion Conversation through the Decades

Guest Cathie Humbarger shares how the abortion conversation has changed throughout the years, and discusses how ...