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A Review of Reproductive Technologies

Because reproductive ethics is a little known quantity for the average person the following is offered as a simple guide for discussion and consideration in personal decision making. Topics include assisting procreation, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and surrogate motherhood.

A Review of Reproductive Technologies

More Sanctity of Life Resources

Hope for Rachel

Hope for Rachel

From the 2013 issue of The Lutheran Witness Hope for Rachel
Lifemark Movie Resources

Lifemark Movie Resources

An adoption study and discussion guide based on the Lifemark movie Adoption Study-Lifemark Movie Lifemark ...
“Looking at Life in the Womb” for Kids

“Looking at Life in the Womb” for Kids

Curriculum developed by LCMS Life Ministry in coordination with LCMS School Ministry with two sets of material, ...
“Looking at Life in the Womb” Teen Edition

“Looking at Life in the Womb” Teen Edition

Curriculum developed by LCMS Life Ministry in coordination with LCMS School Ministry with two sets of material, ...
Una Vida abundante

Una Vida abundante

El matrimonio, la vida y la familia: Reflejos de la santa trinidad. Una vida abundante
Misericordiosos y multifacéticos

Misericordiosos y multifacéticos

Cuando la teología conduce al involucramiento en la arena de la vida. Misericordiosos y multifacéticos
Respondiendo con amor

Respondiendo con amor

 Guía teológica para el ministerio del cuidado humano. Respondiendo con amor
Para que ellos pueden tener vida

Para que ellos pueden tener vida

La vida humana no es un logro. Es un regalo. Tiene valor inmensurable, porque todo individuo, en cada uno de sus ...
Tres formas de hablar sobre la vida

Tres formas de hablar sobre la vida

¿Cómo puedes defender la vida en un mundo que es pro-elección? Tres formas de hablar sobre la vida
Disability Resources

Disability Resources

Jesus wants His church to have open doors, welcoming all people to worship. But for America’s 54 million men, ...
Specialized Ministries Information Sheets

Specialized Ministries Information Sheets

Outreach to People Who Are Blind Outreach to People Who Are Deaf Outreach to People with Challenges to Their ...
One Body, Many Parts

One Body, Many Parts

One Body, Many Parts-Brochure One Body, Many Parts-8.5x11

More Family Resources

The Meaning of the Presence of Children

The Meaning of the Presence of Children

“It is my aim here to explore the venture of parenthood … from within the perspective of Christian faith — which has, after all, been one of the principal sources of our culture’s formation on this question, but which … may help to point us in the direction of a true humanism.”
The Gift of Children

The Gift of Children

Children are not only a gift to their parents but also to the world. God desires that all children come to know the grace and mercy of Christ Jesus.
Jolt Junkies

Jolt Junkies

 Many parents are accustomed to a constant complaint litany from bored children. Have kids always been so easily bored? Have there always been so many antsy kids who can’t sit still in a classroom? There is no doubt that a major cause is the impact of mass media on kids.
How to Talk With Your Children

How to Talk With Your Children

The first duty of love is to listen. When we really listen to a child, our compassion helps us sense the youngster’s needs, anxieties, joys and sorrows as if they were our own.
Holy Mashed Banana Gunk!

Holy Mashed Banana Gunk!

Raising children is holy and blessed work.
Getting It Together With Your Family

Getting It Together With Your Family

Families need to be prepared and equipped for the high points and struggles of daily life, as well as the times of crisis. By making a commitment to one another to keep Christ at the center, your family will be better able to weather the storms life may bring.
Controlling the Influence of Media

Controlling the Influence of Media

The article provides steps to help control the influence of the media in our homes.
Birth Plans

Birth Plans

As America’s birth rate wanes, our societal fixation on the gestational trimesters, infant milestones and childhood “firsts” increases exponentially.
A New Look at Family Devotions

A New Look at Family Devotions

Do you struggle over family devotions? Maybe some new ideas will help. The goal is to have fun while learning about and sharing God’s love. After all, “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones” (Prov. 15:30).
A Mother’s Prayer

A Mother’s Prayer

Monica never quit praying for her son. God’s answer overwhelmed her.
All Those Glowing Rectangles

All Those Glowing Rectangles

Screens make it hard for us to concentrate on real people and experiences, they disrupt our natural rhythms of rest, and they can be disruptive in other ways. Technology is a blessing when used carefully.
Adoption Advocacy in the LCMS

Adoption Advocacy in the LCMS

In 1996, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations addressed adoption in the context of practices such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. While the gift of procreation is a profound and beautiful testimony to the blessedness of marriage and reveals one of marriage’s most fundamental purposes, marital goodness is not limited by procreation. Where procreation is not possible, many couples choose to adopt a child into their family and, regardless of intention, also reflect the divine love that leads God to adopt us as His own (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:5).