When the Crying Stops – Abortion: The Pain and the Healing
Written by Kathleen Winkler with meditations by the Rev. Dr. Harold L. Senkbeil, this book includes stories of 19 post-abortive women who recall their abortion experiences. The stories contain remembering, remorse, and regret. The author tells stories of how repentance happened, forgiveness was found, and the crying stopped.
This Bible study and accompanying article cover the book of Jonah. Though Jonah is famous for his fish, he also provides an illuminating case study of depression and suicidal thought.
Motherhood Under the Cross
Sometimes it feels like you are going it alone. Life can be hard. Mothering children is definitely hard. The ...
Organizations That Provide Resources For Adoption And Foster Care
This directory contains entities of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, and additional organizations that provide resources related to adoption and foster care.
2023 LCMS Life Conference video presentations
The conference provided Lutherans with resources to faithfully proclaim what God’s Word teaches about life, health, marriage and family.
Friends For Life: S1EP56 — An Intro to Reproductive Bioethics | Rev. Dr. Kevin Voss
Dr. Kevin Voss talks about the field of bioethics and how our Lutheran theology helps us navigate the nuanced world of reproductive technology.
Friends For Life: S1EP55 — A Peaceful Approach to Sidewalk Advocacy | Lauren Muzyka & Nate Robertson
Lauren Muzyka and Nate Robertson of Sidewalk Advocates for Life talk about SAFL’s impact on families across the country through their peaceful approach to advocacy on the sidewalks outside of abortion and abortion-referral facilities.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Elementary Activity Booklet on the Beginning of Life
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Elementary Activity Booklet on the Beginning of Life
Children’s Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Sexual Abuse
Children's Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Sexual Abuse 5.5x8.5
Children's Coloring Prayer Book for ...
Full House: The Blessings of a Large Family
Husband and wife team, Zach & Dawn Schnare, sit down with Steph to talk about the joys, the challenges, and ...
Abortion Exceptions
In this Friends for Life Podcast, Guest Kristi Hofferber joins Tiffany to talk about extreme circumstances and ...
Clarity and Care for Children with Gender Confusion
Dr. Brad Alles provides clear information on gender dysphoria and confusion, as well as guidance for parents caring for children who struggle with it.
A Celebration of God’s Gift of Life with Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge
Join Steph, Tiffany, and the Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge for a celebration of our favorite things about ...