Christian Ethics

Human Ethics and Animal Rights

Human Ethics and Animal Rights

It seems incongruous that even as we freely kill unborn humans made in the image of God in demonstration of “a woman’s right to ...
Could You Be Addicted?

Could You Be Addicted?

Whether some addictions may be more dangerous or less dangerous to our well-being, every kind of addiction seriously harms life to one ...
Loving the Abused

Loving the Abused

Your congregation can help victims and perpetrators of abuse by reaching out to those in your community with Christian love and ...
Can War Be Just?

Can War Be Just?

Current discussions of an unprovoked “first strike” against another country challenge the historic just-war doctrine. Is severely ...
Addressing Issues of Moral Complicity

Addressing Issues of Moral Complicity

Should a mother consent to having her child immunized with a vaccine that was developed many years ago from aborted fetal tissue? ...
That They May Live

That They May Live

Assisted-suicide and euthanasia present the church, society, families, and individuals with one of the most profound and emotionally ...
From Healing to Relief of Suffering

From Healing to Relief of Suffering

The Christian response to medical ethics today is to speak the Word of truth to empty lives that believe lies that say there is no ...
Medical Directives and Some Misunderstandings

Medical Directives and Some Misunderstandings

Medical directives give directions in health care decision-making in anticipation of the possibility that the patient will be unable ...
I Want to Burden My Loved Ones

I Want to Burden My Loved Ones

We shouldn’t hesitate to empower our loved ones to make medical decisions for us as long as they avoid the futile question “What would ...
Hope and Guidance

Hope and Guidance

Advance medical directives convey our wishes to caregivers when we no longer can. Christians approach these differently than the world ...
Asking the Right Questions

Asking the Right Questions

When Christians face situations where they must make decisions about continued medical therapy for themselves or others, there are questions to discuss with family members, medical professionals, and their pastor. Our confidence lies not in our ability to make perfect decisions but in Jesus Christ, who holds us in His merciful hands.
Amazingly Complex

Amazingly Complex

Health care’s amazing technology also creates impossibly complex situations. Three questions that Christians can and should ask themselves can help guide decisions as life draws to its end.