In 1996, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations addressed adoption in the context of practices such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. While the gift of procreation is a profound and beautiful testimony to the blessedness of marriage and reveals one of marriage’s most fundamental purposes, marital goodness is not limited by procreation. Where procreation is not possible, many couples choose to adopt a child into their family and, regardless of intention, also reflect the divine love that leads God to adopt us as His own (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:5).
Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S3Ep4. Fatherhood Matters | Rev. Aaron Neugebauer
Fathers are vital to families. Good fathers are an irreplaceable part of thriving societies. Looking for some tips on fatherhood? Want to know how you can encourage the dads in your life? Then listen in as family members Steph and Aaron talk about fatherhood.