
Adopted Into Christ

Adopted Into Christ

From the 2015 June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness Adopted into Christ
Lifemark Movie Resources

Lifemark Movie Resources

An adoption study and discussion guide based on the Lifemark movie Adoption Study-Lifemark Movie Lifemark Movie Discussion Guide
“Looking at Life in the Womb” for Kids

“Looking at Life in the Womb” for Kids

Curriculum developed by LCMS Life Ministry in coordination with LCMS School Ministry with two sets of material, one for upper ...
“Looking at Life in the Womb” Teen Edition

“Looking at Life in the Womb” Teen Edition

Curriculum developed by LCMS Life Ministry in coordination with LCMS School Ministry with two sets of material, one for upper ...
Espera confiado en Dios

Espera confiado en Dios

Este artículo apareció originalmente en el boletín de “Noticias y Notas: Vida, Salud y Familia” Publicado por LCMS Life ...
Misericordiosos y multifacéticos

Misericordiosos y multifacéticos

Cuando la teología conduce al involucramiento en la arena de la vida. Misericordiosos y multifacéticos
¿Vivir juntos sin casarse?

¿Vivir juntos sin casarse?

Cada vez más, hombres y mujeres elijen vivir como esposo y esposa sin casarse. Este panfleto responderá algunas preguntas sobre la ...
Children’s Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Domestic Violence

Children’s Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Domestic Violence

Children's Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Domestic Violence 5.5x8.5 Children's Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected ...
Family Matters: A Place to Belong

Family Matters: A Place to Belong

How can we as the Church care for those who are disabled, their caretakers and their families? Family Matters: A Place to Belong
Then Comes Marriage

Then Comes Marriage

Marriage is a blessing, a gift from the God who created us. In holy matrimony, bride and groom vow to remain faithful “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” The sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage go hand in hand.
The Mystery of Marriage

The Mystery of Marriage

This article is a summary of the theology of marriage that can serve as a foundation for evaluating the implications of reproductive technologies from a Christian perspective.
The APA Does It Again

The APA Does It Again

Psychologists who say fathers are not necessary prove the limits of social science.