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2021 Life Conference: Recognized Service Organizations in Life Ministry

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When the mother of a disabled man says he’s perfect, she’s saying that the Lord, in His wisdom and mercy, has made ...
When the Crying Stops – Abortion: The Pain and the Healing

When the Crying Stops – Abortion: The Pain and the Healing

Written by Kathleen Winkler with meditations by the Rev. Dr. Harold L. Senkbeil, this book includes stories of 19 post-abortive women who recall their abortion experiences. The stories contain remembering, remorse, and regret. The author tells stories of how repentance happened, forgiveness was found, and the crying stopped.
The Intrusion of Psychology Into Christian Theology

The Intrusion of Psychology Into Christian Theology

 Modern psychology is not an innocent helping-discipline to carelessly borrow from the left-hand kingdom and merge ...
The Appeal of Ethical Relativism

The Appeal of Ethical Relativism

This article gives replies to someone who rejects the idea of morality and is based on reason rather than ...
Pro-Life Penalty

Pro-Life Penalty

The state acts as God’s agent when it kills those who have killed. Pro-Life Penalty
Human Ethics and Animal Rights

Human Ethics and Animal Rights

It seems incongruous that even as we freely kill unborn humans made in the image of God in demonstration of “a ...
Could You Be Addicted?

Could You Be Addicted?

Whether some addictions may be more dangerous or less dangerous to our well-being, every kind of addiction ...
Can War Be Just?

Can War Be Just?

Current discussions of an unprovoked “first strike” against another country challenge the historic just-war ...
Addressing Issues of Moral Complicity

Addressing Issues of Moral Complicity

Should a mother consent to having her child immunized with a vaccine that was developed many years ago from ...
That They May Live

That They May Live

Assisted-suicide and euthanasia present the church, society, families, and individuals with one of the most ...
From Healing to Relief of Suffering

From Healing to Relief of Suffering

The Christian response to medical ethics today is to speak the Word of truth to empty lives that believe lies that ...
What Is a Stem Cell?

What Is a Stem Cell?

Are we to consider the human body divorced from what it means to be a human being? Is the human body merely the ...

More Family Resources

God at Work

God at Work

Every Christian has a particular calling from God. With the doctrine of vocation, ordinary relationships, the 9-to-5 routine, taking care of the kids, the work-a-day world — the way we spend most hours of the day — become charged with the presence of God.
Wages for Sin

Wages for Sin

Marriage benefits are starting to go to those who are “shacking up.” As marriage becomes unnecessary — not just for job benefits but for adopting children, inheriting property, and being socially acceptable — the whole nation will be “living in sin.”
Tossing the Last Taboo

Tossing the Last Taboo

Christians dare not opt out of the culture wars, especially while influential culture makers are trying to normalize sex with children. If Christians let the world go its merry way into the black hole of depravity, we will be putting their children in genuine danger.
Homosexuality in Christian Perspective

Homosexuality in Christian Perspective

We dare not permit the church’s public teaching on the matter of homosexuality to be taken over and determined by a desire to “affirm” every person in whatever state he or she may be. That is not the gospel.
God and the Gay Lifestyle

God and the Gay Lifestyle

Homosexual behavior, like any sin, can be forgiven. That’s quite a different thing, of course, than to say that such behavior is OK.
A Step Too Far, For Now

A Step Too Far, For Now

When the American Psychological Association’s journal of record published an article saying that sex between children and adults might be OK, not too many people noticed. But such is the furor that has since arisen at the prospect of America’s psychologists possibly normalizing pedophilia — as they already have homosexuality — that the organization is backtracking. Sort of.
Called to Our Work

Called to Our Work

We don’t choose our vocations; God chooses us for them. The Christian can understand the ordinary labors of life to be charged with meaning. Through our labor, no matter how humble, God is at work.
Called to Be Citizens

Called to Be Citizens

Christians are called to be citizens: to obey laws, pay their taxes, and honor and pray for their governing officials. Patriotic feelings and acts of civic-mindedness are fitting responses to the blessings God has given this country and the citizenship to which He has called us.
Called by the Gospel

Called by the Gospel

All Christians have a calling in the church. We all have been called into faith, and we all are called to a local congregation, where we each have a part to play in the community of faith.