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Real and Abundant Life

What is life? What is its purpose? If God created us for life, why does it feel like so much of our existence is all about death?

Humanity has been asking questions like these for ages – but it’s the Christian faith alone that has the answers.

In this short booklet, you’ll be carried through the real story of life – from creation and fall to redemption and new life in Christ. Dig in and see how what the culture calls ‘really living’ pales in comparison to true, real and abundant life found only in God, the author of life Himself.

More Sanctity of Life Resources

Life Ministry on the College Campus

Life Ministry on the College Campus

Concordia University Chicago student Nicole Chappell talks about the endless opportunities for college students to ...
The Incarnation: Christ’s Life, Our Life

The Incarnation: Christ’s Life, Our Life

Rev. Sean Daenzer dives deep into the theology of the incarnation and what this means for Christians and life ...
Toward a Pro-Life City

Toward a Pro-Life City

Rev. Dr. Leonard Payton joins Steph to talk about the challenges of being pro-life in the city, and how urban ...
When the Caregiver Needs Care

When the Caregiver Needs Care

Dr. Kim Marxhausen talks about the special kinds of burden and stress that caregiving places on the caregiver and ...
Life Under the Cross

Life Under the Cross

Pastor Robert Zagore joins Steph and Tiffany for another installment of “The Floor Is Yours” to discuss how a ...
Christian Meets World

Christian Meets World

Seminary professor Dr. Joel Biermann provides a field guide for navigating culture, society, and politics as a ...
One Body, Many Parts: Disabilities and the Body of Christ

One Body, Many Parts: Disabilities and the Body of Christ

Join Steph and Tiffany, along with father-daughter duo, Pastor Kevin Loughran and Penny Loughran, as they talk ...
Baptism and Birth: Childbirth as a Reflection of Baptism

Baptism and Birth: Childbirth as a Reflection of Baptism

Dr. Deb Grime, a beloved and respected OB/GYN, joins Steph to talk about childbirth, baptism, and the theological ...
An International Look at Life Issues: Conversations with a Missionary

An International Look at Life Issues: Conversations with a Missionary

Jamielynn Tinkey Flores joins Steph and Tiffany to talk about life ministry on an international level and the need ...
Serving the Younger Generation: And End Goals Crossover

Serving the Younger Generation: And End Goals Crossover

Steph interviews End Goals’ Rev. Mark Kiessling and DCE Julianna Shults about honoring and caring for the ...
Caring for Aging Parents

Caring for Aging Parents

Cheryl Magness talks about her decade’s long journey of serving as primary caregiver for her aging mother, and how ...
Loving Children Through Foster Care

Loving Children Through Foster Care

Join Steph and guests, Pastor Hans and Katie Fiene, as they talk about loving children through foster care – ...

More Family Resources

Friends For Life: S2EP2 — Male & Female By Design

Friends For Life: S2EP2 — Male & Female By Design

Is sex a social construct, or is a person created male and female by design? Concordia Seminary professor Dr. Joel Biermann answers this question and more!
Friends For Life: S2EP1 — Is Sexuality Really That Big of a Deal?

Friends For Life: S2EP1 — Is Sexuality Really That Big of a Deal?

Listen as Tiffany and Steph introduce the “why” behind this season and how God’s written and natural law change everything.
Friends For Life: S2EP0 — Special Announcement for This Fall!

Friends For Life: S2EP0 — Special Announcement for This Fall!

You won’t want to miss this short but sweet episode!
Friends For Life: S1EP58 — Friends in Real Life: An Adoption Journey Part II | Dr. Tim & Rebekah Janke

Friends For Life: S1EP58 — Friends in Real Life: An Adoption Journey Part II | Dr. Tim & Rebekah Janke

Tim and Rebekah update us on their journey to adoption!
Friends For Life: S1EP55 — A Peaceful Approach to Sidewalk Advocacy | Lauren Muzyka & Nate Robertson

Friends For Life: S1EP55 — A Peaceful Approach to Sidewalk Advocacy | Lauren Muzyka & Nate Robertson

Lauren Muzyka and Nate Robertson of Sidewalk Advocates for Life talk about SAFL’s impact on families across the country through their peaceful approach to advocacy on the sidewalks outside of abortion and abortion-referral facilities.
Article: Truth and Compassion for LGBTQ+ Individuals

Article: Truth and Compassion for LGBTQ+ Individuals

In this article, Deaconess Emma Heinz discusses the Christian attitude toward members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Bible Study: Truth and Compassion for LGBTQ+ Individuals

Bible Study: Truth and Compassion for LGBTQ+ Individuals

This Bible study provides guidance and biblical testimony about how Christians should respond to gender and sexual identity issues.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Elementary Activity Booklet on the Beginning of Life

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Elementary Activity Booklet on the Beginning of Life

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Elementary Activity Booklet on the Beginning of Life
Simple Habits for Marital Happiness

Simple Habits for Marital Happiness

Dr. Randy Schroeder, author of Simple Habits for Marital Happiness, joins Steph to talk about…you guessed it – the ...
What Should I Look for in a Christian Counselor?

What Should I Look for in a Christian Counselor?

Tiffany sits down with Dr. Rick Marrs to talk about the importance of finding and receiving counseling that is ...
Full House: The Blessings of a Large Family

Full House: The Blessings of a Large Family

Husband and wife team, Zach & Dawn Schnare, sit down with Steph to talk about the joys, the challenges, and ...
Clarity and Care for Children with Gender Confusion

Clarity and Care for Children with Gender Confusion

Dr. Brad Alles provides clear information on gender dysphoria and confusion, as well as guidance for parents caring for children who struggle with it.