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She Shall be Called Woman

Stay-at-home moms, adoptive mothers, single women, employed mothers, married women without children, widows – a woman might find herself in any of these roles, and more, throughout her lifetime.

But while there are fears, frustrations, joys and blessings in each role, women sometimes tend toward comparison, the thief of joy, which only leads women into discontent in their stations in life.

This little booklet combats that discouragement by examining each role and offering affirmation, encouragement and support through the lens of Christ and his unending grace and mercy.

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You Matter

You Matter

 Eugenics is practiced when it is recommended that children with abnormalities and birth defects are aborted. But ...
Will Power

Will Power

Logical conclusions: According to Wesley Clark’s existentialist metaphysics, most of us are not alive. Will Power
What Women Don’t Know Does Hurt Them

What Women Don’t Know Does Hurt Them

The church ought not do anything — whether through silence, a lack of support, or not sharing God’s Word — that ...
Our Littlest Neighbors

Our Littlest Neighbors

A great darkness has fallen upon us. In the 1973 landmark decision known as Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court struck ...
Lawmakers Lawbreakers

Lawmakers Lawbreakers

Even though churches have lost significant influence over society, they do at least retain authority over their ...
Katie’s Story

Katie’s Story

Each reason for choosing abortion is unique. Yet one thread runs through many women’s stories — insecurity. That thread is often tangled with the threads of alcohol or drug abuse. Katie’s story is shot through with all those threads. Years later, she had to confront what she had done.
Great Sinners

Great Sinners

 If the Germans can confess collective guilt, why can’t we? Let us repent of our complicity in abortion. Great Sinners
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Abortion is much more than a political issue for me — it is deeply personal. My obstetrician urged me to ...
Children of Light

Children of Light

 The darkness of Roe v. Wade gives children of light opportunities to share with those who feel trapped in the ...
Are The Unborn Human?

Are The Unborn Human?

How do we contend for life in a pro-choice world? Scott Klusendorf, in his book “The Case for Life,” gives us a ...
Abortion and the Meaning of Parenthood

Abortion and the Meaning of Parenthood

If the essence of our humanity consists in our freedom, in taking control, we must think of parenthood ...
A Letter to My Birthmother

A Letter to My Birthmother

 “I am writing this letter to thank and encourage all the birthmothers who may read it. … You made the right ...

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