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Our Littlest Neighbors

A great darkness has fallen upon us. In the 1973 landmark decision known as Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court struck down all laws regulating or restricting abortion, thus effectively making abortion-on-demand the law of the land. For more than 40 years, our nation has wandered in this wilderness, and we have grown comfortable with the culture of death.

Our Littlest Neighbors

More Sanctity of Life Resources

She Shall be Called Woman

She Shall be Called Woman

A woman might find herself in a variety of roles throughout her lifetime. This booklet examines several roles and offers affirmation, encouragement and support through the lens of Christ and his unending grace and mercy.
Real and Abundant Life

Real and Abundant Life

What is life? What is its purpose? If God created us for life, why does it feel like so much of our existence is all about death? Read about the real and abundant life found only in God, the author of life Himself.
That They May Live

That They May Live

Assisted suicide and euthanasia isn’t the answer to suffering or a show of compassion. Delve into questions and see what God’s Word has to say.
That They May Have Life

That They May Have Life

Every life is valuable. Every life is carefully created by God, deeply loved by Him, and mercifully redeemed by Christ. Consider the importance of these simple truths and how they play out in day-to-day life in a fallen world.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S7Ep3. Human Trafficking: A Survivor’s Story | Keeya Vawar

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S7Ep3. Human Trafficking: A Survivor’s Story | Keeya Vawar

Keeya Vawar shares her story of struggle and survival, as she herself was a victim of human trafficking.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S7Ep2. The Church’s Care for Victims of Human Trafficking | Rev. Scott Heitshusen

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S7Ep2. The Church’s Care for Victims of Human Trafficking | Rev. Scott Heitshusen

Join hosts Tiffany and Steph as they introduce our topic for Season 7 and help clarify the definition of human trafficking.
Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S7Ep1. What is Human Trafficking? | Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor & Steph Neugebauer

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S7Ep1. What is Human Trafficking? | Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor & Steph Neugebauer

Join hosts Tiffany and Steph as they introduce our topic for Season 7 and help clarify the definition of human trafficking.
Jonah’s Desire to Die

Jonah’s Desire to Die

This Bible study and accompanying article cover the book of Jonah. Though Jonah is famous for his fish, he also provides an illuminating case study of depression and suicidal thought.
Motherhood Under the Cross

Motherhood Under the Cross

Sometimes it feels like you are going it alone. Life can be hard. Mothering children is definitely hard. The ...
Organizations That Provide Resources For Adoption And Foster Care

Organizations That Provide Resources For Adoption And Foster Care

This directory contains entities of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, and additional organizations that provide resources related to adoption and foster care.
2023 LCMS Life Conference video presentations

2023 LCMS Life Conference video presentations

The conference provided Lutherans with resources to faithfully proclaim what God’s Word teaches about life, health, marriage and family.
Friends For Life: S1EP56 — An Intro to Reproductive Bioethics | Rev. Dr. Kevin Voss

Friends For Life: S1EP56 — An Intro to Reproductive Bioethics | Rev. Dr. Kevin Voss

Dr. Kevin Voss talks about the field of bioethics and how our Lutheran theology helps us navigate the nuanced world of reproductive technology.