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She Shall be Called Woman

Stay-at-home moms, adoptive mothers, single women, employed mothers, married women without children, widows – a woman might find herself in any of these roles, and more, throughout her lifetime.

But while there are fears, frustrations, joys and blessings in each role, women sometimes tend toward comparison, the thief of joy, which only leads women into discontent in their stations in life.

This little booklet combats that discouragement by examining each role and offering affirmation, encouragement and support through the lens of Christ and his unending grace and mercy.

More Sanctity of Life Resources

2021 Life Conference: New Landscape of Religious Liberty

2021 Life Conference: New Landscape of Religious Liberty

While the past century has seen numerous threats to religious liberty, our new landscape is shaped by a torrent of ...
2021 Life Conference: Gracious and Multifaceted-Engaging Life Issues While Centered in Jesus

2021 Life Conference: Gracious and Multifaceted-Engaging Life Issues While Centered in Jesus

Different reasons motivate different people to affirm all of human life, and to be engaged in life issues. Indeed, ...
2021 Life Conference: Inclusión de la persona con discapacidad en su congregación

2021 Life Conference: Inclusión de la persona con discapacidad en su congregación

La inclusión de la persona con discapacidad en su congregación comienza con el arrepentimiento. Después, con los ...
2021 Life Conference: El Cuerpo de Cristo y la persona con discapacidad

2021 Life Conference: El Cuerpo de Cristo y la persona con discapacidad

Las personas con discapacidad necesitan del Cuerpo de Cristo y el Cuerpo de Cristo necesita de las personas con ...
2021 Life Conference: La Palabra de Dios y la persona con discapacidad

2021 Life Conference: La Palabra de Dios y la persona con discapacidad

¿Por qué hay discapacidad?  ¿Qué valor tiene la persona con discapacidad? persona con discapacidad pueda ...
2021 Life Conference: Concepción

2021 Life Conference: Concepción

En primer lugar, este estudio define la concepción desde un punto de vista bíblico, colocándola en su contexto ...
2021 Life Conference: Creación del hombre en Génesis 2: Hombre y mujer en relación ordenada

2021 Life Conference: Creación del hombre en Génesis 2: Hombre y mujer en relación ordenada

Esta sección trata del orden especial en el que Dios creó al hombre y la mujer y los unió en una sociedad ...
2021 Life Conference: Matrimonio- El diseño perfecto de Dios (video 1)

2021 Life Conference: Matrimonio- El diseño perfecto de Dios (video 1)

Dios estableció el matrimonio antes de la caída, como el diseño perfecto de su creación. El pecado lo ha ...
2021 Life Conference: Jr High & High School- Contemplating Full-time Church Work

2021 Life Conference: Jr High & High School- Contemplating Full-time Church Work

Teenagers contemplate many things: their career, the world, and their faith. This presentation encourages Lutheran ...
2021 Life Conference: Student Devotion- Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

2021 Life Conference: Student Devotion- Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

This presentation teaches children that God designed, created, and sustains our bodies. It also discusses how the ...
2021 Life Conference: Student- Me, A Missionary?

2021 Life Conference: Student- Me, A Missionary?

What does a missionary do? What do you have in common with a missionary? What is one of the first things a ...
2021 Life Conference: Valuing and Defending Life in the Public Square

2021 Life Conference: Valuing and Defending Life in the Public Square

For too long culture has influenced the Church rather than the other way around. Our vocation as Christian ...

More Family Resources

The APA Does It Again

The APA Does It Again

Psychologists who say fathers are not necessary prove the limits of social science.
Ten Commandments for Healthy Marital Communication

Ten Commandments for Healthy Marital Communication

Couples should remember to continuously fine-tune their communication skills. Doing so will enhance a good marriage and stabilize a rocky one. Effective communication can mean the difference between a lasting, quality relationship and a lifeless marriage or a divorce.
Surrogate Motherhood: A Clerical Case

Surrogate Motherhood: A Clerical Case

The whole point of marriage as a paradigm of God’s relationship with His people is to illustrate the oneness of what we are given in marriage and in the gift of a child as its outcome. Careless sentimentality in reproductive ethics erases this message of God to us.
Marriage, Life and Family: Reflecting the Holy Trinity

Marriage, Life and Family: Reflecting the Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) created and gave gifts reflecting Himself, especially the gifts of marriage, life, and family. As the Holy Trinity is the unity of three, so also marriage, life, and family form a unity of three that echoes the reality of God. This is our starting point.
Make Yours a Stock Market Marriage

Make Yours a Stock Market Marriage

Like the stock market, marriages have their ups and downs. Knowing that and staying the course increases your chance of success in either.
Living Together Before Marriage

Living Together Before Marriage

There is something in the issue of “living together” that is uniquely disturbing, especially on the part of Christians, simply because it mimics, but does not honor, marriage. Indeed, the arrangement violates the very meaning, substance, and institution of marriage.
Getting Closer As A Couple

Getting Closer As A Couple

Married couples, for various reasons, may drift apart. The vitality and sparkle that used to characterize their relationship is gone. They didn’t plan it. It just happened — subtly, slowly, silently. However, there is good news. Christian couples can break through emotional distance to revive their relationships
Confronting Cohabitation

Confronting Cohabitation

In a time when so many people make the mistake of cohabitation, the church has the opportunity to proclaim the hope and promise that are ours through faith in Jesus Christ. The power that raised Christ back to life is the power that brings new life and new possibilities.
Important Steps to Help Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Important Steps to Help Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Important Steps to Help Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Within Youth-serving Organizations: Getting Started on Policies and Procedures

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Within Youth-serving Organizations: Getting Started on Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Download PDF
Suffer the Children: Developing Effective Church Policies on Child Maltreatment

Suffer the Children: Developing Effective Church Policies on Child Maltreatment

Suffer the Children: Developing Effective Church Policies on Child Maltreatment
Loving the Abused

Loving the Abused

Your congregation can help victims and perpetrators of abuse by reaching out to those in your community with ...