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Baptism and Birth: Childbirth as a Reflection of Baptism

Dr. Deb Grime, a beloved and respected OB/GYN, joins Steph to talk about childbirth, baptism, and the theological connections between the two.

More Sanctity of Life Resources

2021 Life Conference: After an Abortion

2021 Life Conference: After an Abortion

In this session, Deaconesses Lori Trinche and Tiffany Manor, along with Renee Gibbs, talk about life and care ...
2021 Life Conference: A View from Washington: How the Pro-Life Cause is Faring in 2021 at the Federal Level

2021 Life Conference: A View from Washington: How the Pro-Life Cause is Faring in 2021 at the Federal Level

In this session, Timothy Goeglein from Focus on the Family, discusses the pro-life movement at a national ...
2021 Life Conference: Spiritual Care Training for Lay People

2021 Life Conference: Spiritual Care Training for Lay People

In this session, Rev. Brian Heller and Deaconess Tiffany Manor discuss what spiritual care training for lay people ...
2021 Life Conference: Parish Nursing Introduction

2021 Life Conference: Parish Nursing Introduction

In this session, Deaconess Christie Hansard discusses what parish nursing is and its role in ...
2021 Life Conference: COVID and PTSD

2021 Life Conference: COVID and PTSD

In this session, Rev. Dr. Steve Hokana discusses the effects and relationship of COVID and ...
2021 Life Conference: Life After a Suicide

2021 Life Conference: Life After a Suicide

Rev. Peter Preus discusses the Christian life after a suicide.
2021 Life Conference: Mercy in Aging

2021 Life Conference: Mercy in Aging

We all begin aging at the moment of conception. During this session, an overview of aging concerns will be ...
2021 Life Conference: Concordia Publishing House -Live A Life That Values Life

2021 Life Conference: Concordia Publishing House -Live A Life That Values Life

What are you doing with what you’ve got? Change happens when we put ACTION behind the great knowledge we receive ...
2021 Life Conference: The Biblical Perspective on Aging

2021 Life Conference: The Biblical Perspective on Aging

Why do people grow old and die? Should older adults get out of the way after having put in their time serving the ...
2021 Life Conference: Over the Counter Abortion is Coming: What is our Response?

2021 Life Conference: Over the Counter Abortion is Coming: What is our Response?

The end game of the abortion industry is to make every woman her own abortionist. This direct marketing of ...
2021 Life Conference: What the HEK? Controversy over the Development of COVID-19 Vaccines from Aborted Fetal Cells

2021 Life Conference: What the HEK? Controversy over the Development of COVID-19 Vaccines from Aborted Fetal Cells

As time goes by, more people will be offered the opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Protecting ...
2021 Life Conference: Talking about Life Issues while Keeping Your Friends

2021 Life Conference: Talking about Life Issues while Keeping Your Friends

When confronted with a conversation about emotionally-charged life issues, whether in person or online, do you ...

More Family Resources

Lifemark Movie Resources

Lifemark Movie Resources

An adoption study and discussion guide based on the Lifemark movie Adoption Study-Lifemark Movie Lifemark ...
“Looking at Life in the Womb” for Kids

“Looking at Life in the Womb” for Kids

Curriculum developed by LCMS Life Ministry in coordination with LCMS School Ministry with two sets of material, ...
“Looking at Life in the Womb” Teen Edition

“Looking at Life in the Womb” Teen Edition

Curriculum developed by LCMS Life Ministry in coordination with LCMS School Ministry with two sets of material, ...
¿Vivir juntos sin casarse?

¿Vivir juntos sin casarse?

Cada vez más, hombres y mujeres elijen vivir como esposo y esposa sin casarse. Este panfleto responderá algunas ...
Hogares desalmados: una perpectiva del LCMS sobre la violencia doméstica

Hogares desalmados: una perpectiva del LCMS sobre la violencia doméstica

¿Cómo puedes defender la vida en un mundo que es pro-elección? Hogares desalmados: una perpectiva del LCMS ...
Children’s Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Domestic Violence

Children’s Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Domestic Violence

Children's Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Domestic Violence 5.5x8.5 Children's Coloring Prayer Book ...
Right and Wrong in the Workplace

Right and Wrong in the Workplace

We cannot separate our faith life from our career or business. Our service through our vocations is an expression ...
With This Ring

With This Ring

At the wedding ceremony the bride and groom exchange wedding rings. They are circles to symbolize the permanence of this relationship. There are three additional aspects these rings portray.
What Is Marriage?

What Is Marriage?

It is not our human prerogative to redefine marriage for the sake of political correctness, social justice, or to accommodate the changing times. As God does not change, but is ever faithful, so marriage does not change and ever proclaims the faithfulness of God to His people.
What About … Living Together Without Marriage?

What About … Living Together Without Marriage?

This resource is reprint of a tract from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s “What About …” series. Pastors and ...
The Venture of Marriage

The Venture of Marriage

God fashions marriage so a man and woman learn to be true to each other. Through marriage, God brings us into relation with one who is different but who also reflects back something of the truth of our own nature. That image is the bold and daring vision we have to offer the world.
Then Comes Marriage

Then Comes Marriage

Marriage is a blessing, a gift from the God who created us. In holy matrimony, bride and groom vow to remain faithful “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” The sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage go hand in hand.