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LCMS Guide to Supporting Foster Families

The “LCMS Guide to Supporting Foster Families” is intended to provide Lutheran couples with a basic overview of the foster care system and the process of becoming foster parents, so they can prayerfully consider taking on the joys and challenges of caring for these children in need.

Christian families are especially poised to care for children in need, and the local congregation (and larger church) can provide a healthy framework of love and support for foster children and their foster family. Sadly, the number of children in the foster system is increasing, and the number of families willing to provide a temporary home for these children is decreasing. Lutheran parents are needed to fill this gap and provide love and care to children and their biological parents.

Are you a foster family or a congregation looking to support a foster family? The “Foster Family Support Planner” is a form that foster families can use to list their needs (whether that be meals, transportation, or items) for their foster child(ren). Once filled out, the form can be printed off and circulated amongst congregation members so that they can provide creative yet personalized support for families who are fostering in their midst.

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“Looking at Life in the Womb” for Kids

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“Looking at Life in the Womb” Teen Edition

“Looking at Life in the Womb” Teen Edition

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¿Vivir juntos sin casarse?

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Hogares desalmados: una perpectiva del LCMS sobre la violencia doméstica

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Children’s Coloring Prayer Book for Those Affected by Domestic Violence

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Right and Wrong in the Workplace

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With This Ring

With This Ring

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What Is Marriage?

What Is Marriage?

It is not our human prerogative to redefine marriage for the sake of political correctness, social justice, or to accommodate the changing times. As God does not change, but is ever faithful, so marriage does not change and ever proclaims the faithfulness of God to His people.
What About … Living Together Without Marriage?

What About … Living Together Without Marriage?

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The Venture of Marriage

The Venture of Marriage

God fashions marriage so a man and woman learn to be true to each other. Through marriage, God brings us into relation with one who is different but who also reflects back something of the truth of our own nature. That image is the bold and daring vision we have to offer the world.
Then Comes Marriage

Then Comes Marriage

Marriage is a blessing, a gift from the God who created us. In holy matrimony, bride and groom vow to remain faithful “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” The sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage go hand in hand.
The Mystery of Marriage

The Mystery of Marriage

This article is a summary of the theology of marriage that can serve as a foundation for evaluating the implications of reproductive technologies from a Christian perspective.