In this session Rev. Dr. Steve Schave leads a student devotion on the breath of life.

Join Dr. Donna Harrison and Deaconess Tiffany Manor in a Q&A with AAPLOG (American Association of Pro-Life of Obstetricians and ...

In this session, Stephanie Neugebauer shows what life looks like in the womb at all stages.

Join Rev. Kevin Robson in his presentation about the body of Christ in mission together.

Join Rev. Bob Zagore as he presents on understanding life as a Christian from the very beginning.

In this session, join Deaconess Tiffany Manor, director of LCMS Life in her discussion of making disciples who value ...

Join Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of the LCMS, as he discusses the importance of valuing life.

Join Barb Below, Jennifer Duffy, and Deaconess Tiffany Manor as they discuss those with disabilities and how the Church can serve ...

Join Rev. Dr. Mark Kiessling and Julianna Schults, DCE, as they discuss mental health.

In this session, Rev. Dr. Steve Schave and Deaconess Dr. Kim Schave, share their experiences and discuss how pastoral and diaconal ...

Join Ross Johnson and Barb Temples as they share their experiences with adoption.

Join Rev. Dr. Alfonso Espinosa as he discusses the Christian life in a secular and ever-changing culture.