En primer lugar, este estudio define la concepción desde un punto de vista bíblico, colocándola en su contexto creacional y redentor ...

Esta sección trata del orden especial en el que Dios creó al hombre y la mujer y los unió en una sociedad perfecta, es decir, “una ...

Dios estableció el matrimonio antes de la caída, como el diseño perfecto de su creación. El pecado lo ha corrompido con “variantes” ...

Teenagers contemplate many things: their career, the world, and their faith. This presentation encourages Lutheran teenagers to ...

This presentation teaches children that God designed, created, and sustains our bodies. It also discusses how the body is affected by ...

What does a missionary do? What do you have in common with a missionary? What is one of the first things a missionary has to learn? ...

For too long culture has influenced the Church rather than the other way around. Our vocation as Christian citizens calls us to defend ...

Using captivating full-color, three-dimensional computer animation, we’ll explore the biological science of how God knits human beings ...

We want to welcome students with all abilities in our schools and help them to feel fully included. This session will talk about the ...

Chaplain Sean Daenzer leads a devotion on Genesis 9:1–7, a Scripture packed with God’s design for human life. Learn how God has made ...

Full-time church workers have the joy of focusing God’s people on Jesus Christ, the salvation of the world.

St. John writes, “But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing ...