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That They May Have Life

Every life is valuable. Every life is carefully created by God, deeply loved by Him, and mercifully redeemed by Christ.

In the pages of this booklet, you’ll have a chance to consider the importance of these simple truths and how they play out in day-to-day life in a fallen world. You’ll be given an opportunity to read what Scripture has to say about human life and its intrinsic value, why and how Christians can protect the unborn, the aging and the vulnerable, and how we can all strive to serve our neighbor with compassion – no matter the circumstances.

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You Are Not Alone-Mental Illness Article

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Each One is a Part
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Healing and the Community in the New Testament: Bridging the Chasm Between Us and Them
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Disabilities Bible Study Materials

Think About. . .The Body of Christ (Leader Guide) Think About. . . The Body of Christ (Participant ...
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Christianity and Culture: God’s Double Sovereignty

 Recognizing God’s double sovereignty over all of life can enable Christians to be engaged in a positive, ...
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Outreach to People with Mental Illness

Outreach to People with Mental Illness

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