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Grieving With Hope

We all struggle in times of death, including Martin Luther. With repentant hearts as Christians, death invites us to grieve the loss of a precious person – a gift to us and a life that has meant so much. As Christians, we remember that “since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep” (1 Thess. 4:14).

Grieving With Hope

More Sanctity of Life Resources

What Child Is This?

What Child Is This?

This is an edited and adapted version of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations report on “Marriage, Family and Human Cloning.” It speaks not only of cloning but also briefly touches on artificial insemination, surrogacy, and in vitro fertilization.
What Can We Say That Is Lutheran in Bioethics?

What Can We Say That Is Lutheran in Bioethics?

A Lutheran response to issues in bioethics is always one of Law and Gospel. Law is necessary to constrain the weak ...
Transhumanism: Humans Without Bodies

Transhumanism: Humans Without Bodies

Transhumanism puts faith in technology and holds onto the hope that humans can conquer death and become immortal ...
Stem Cell Research: Theology

Stem Cell Research: Theology

Christians are neighbors to the unborn embryo. Because we are forgiven by His grace through faith, the ...
Smuggling Theology Into Discussions of Ethics

Smuggling Theology Into Discussions of Ethics

 Ethical relativism in issues of bioethics betrays a serious fault. It does not make allowances for the ...
New Technologies, Old Questions: How to Stay Human in the Post-Christian Church

New Technologies, Old Questions: How to Stay Human in the Post-Christian Church

Developments in emerging technologies will lead to vast changes in the way we live. How do we ensure that ...
Informed Consent

Informed Consent

Christians who give informed consent have an opportunity for faith in God’s care through their time of weakness. ...
Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering

Respecting the integrity of genetic research and its outcome, as Christians we recognize the limitations God ...
Can or Should?

Can or Should?

When questions are raised of abortion, contraception, euthanasia, stem-cell research, in vitro fertilization, we ...
Bios and Biology

Bios and Biology

In one sense, bioethics is something quite new, a development of the last half-century or so. The term itself is ...
Bioethics! What Is It?

Bioethics! What Is It?

Bioethics is ethics applied to moral concerns arising out of the technology that involves decision-making about ...
An Approach to Bioethics

An Approach to Bioethics

In our culture, ethical or moral determinations are often based on the sentiments of who makes the decision. In ...