
2021 Life Conference: Q&A with AAPLOG

2021 Life Conference: Q&A with AAPLOG

Join Dr. Donna Harrison and Deaconess Tiffany Manor in a Q&A with AAPLOG (American Association of Pro-Life of Obstetricians and ...
2021 Life Conference: Concepción

2021 Life Conference: Concepción

En primer lugar, este estudio define la concepción desde un punto de vista bíblico, colocándola en su contexto creacional y redentor ...
2021 Life Conference: Creación del hombre en Génesis 2: Hombre y mujer en relación ordenada

2021 Life Conference: Creación del hombre en Génesis 2: Hombre y mujer en relación ordenada

Esta sección trata del orden especial en el que Dios creó al hombre y la mujer y los unió en una sociedad perfecta, es decir, “una ...
2021 Life Conference: Matrimonio- El diseño perfecto de Dios (video 1)

2021 Life Conference: Matrimonio- El diseño perfecto de Dios (video 1)

Dios estableció el matrimonio antes de la caída, como el diseño perfecto de su creación. El pecado lo ha corrompido con “variantes” ...
2021 Life Conference: Creación del hombre en Génesis 1: Hombre y mujer imagen de lo increado

2021 Life Conference: Creación del hombre en Génesis 1: Hombre y mujer imagen de lo increado

En esta sección, consideramos la dignidad y el poder del hombre tal como se ve en la manera en que Dios lo creó: “a su imagen” (el ...
¿Vivir juntos sin casarse?

¿Vivir juntos sin casarse?

Cada vez más, hombres y mujeres elijen vivir como esposo y esposa sin casarse. Este panfleto responderá algunas preguntas sobre la ...
With This Ring

With This Ring

At the wedding ceremony the bride and groom exchange wedding rings. They are circles to symbolize the permanence of this relationship. There are three additional aspects these rings portray.
What Is Marriage?

What Is Marriage?

It is not our human prerogative to redefine marriage for the sake of political correctness, social justice, or to accommodate the changing times. As God does not change, but is ever faithful, so marriage does not change and ever proclaims the faithfulness of God to His people.
What About … Living Together Without Marriage?

What About … Living Together Without Marriage?

This resource is reprint of a tract from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s “What About …” series. Pastors and congregations will ...
The Venture of Marriage

The Venture of Marriage

God fashions marriage so a man and woman learn to be true to each other. Through marriage, God brings us into relation with one who is different but who also reflects back something of the truth of our own nature. That image is the bold and daring vision we have to offer the world.
Then Comes Marriage

Then Comes Marriage

Marriage is a blessing, a gift from the God who created us. In holy matrimony, bride and groom vow to remain faithful “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” The sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage go hand in hand.
The Mystery of Marriage

The Mystery of Marriage

This article is a summary of the theology of marriage that can serve as a foundation for evaluating the implications of reproductive technologies from a Christian perspective.