From the 2013 issue of The Lutheran Witness
Shaped by God
Hope for Rachel
From the 2013 issue of The Lutheran Witness
Hope for Rachel
Life Ministry Worship Resources
A resource to assist congregations, schools and families in marking special occasions with an emphasis on the sanctity of human ...
A Small Catechism on Human Life (Russian translation)
This book examines abortion, bioethics, end-of-life and sexuality issues through the Biblical eyeglasses of Luther's Small ...
El Aborto en perspectiva
Un informe de la Comisión de Teología y Relaciones Eclesiásticas de la Iglesia Luterana−Sínodo de Misuri, preparado por su Comité de ...
When the Crying Stops – Abortion: The Pain and the Healing
Written by Kathleen Winkler with meditations by the Rev. Dr. Harold L. Senkbeil, this book includes stories of 19 post-abortive women who recall their abortion experiences. The stories contain remembering, remorse, and regret. The author tells stories of how repentance happened, forgiveness was found, and the crying stopped.
Then Comes Marriage
Marriage is a blessing, a gift from the God who created us. In holy matrimony, bride and groom vow to remain faithful “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” The sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage go hand in hand.
You Matter
Eugenics is practiced when it is recommended that children with abnormalities and birth defects are aborted. But with God every child ...
Will Power
Logical conclusions: According to Wesley Clark’s existentialist metaphysics, most of us are not alive.
Will Power
What Women Don’t Know Does Hurt Them
The church ought not do anything — whether through silence, a lack of support, or not sharing God’s Word — that would cause a girl or ...
Our Littlest Neighbors
A great darkness has fallen upon us. In the 1973 landmark decision known as Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court struck down all laws ...
Lawmakers Lawbreakers
Even though churches have lost significant influence over society, they do at least retain authority over their own members. Some ...