
An Approach to Bioethics

An Approach to Bioethics

In our culture, ethical or moral determinations are often based on the sentiments of who makes the decision. In ...
Adoption Advocacy in the LCMS

Adoption Advocacy in the LCMS

In 1996, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations addressed adoption in the context of practices such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. While the gift of procreation is a profound and beautiful testimony to the blessedness of marriage and reveals one of marriage’s most fundamental purposes, marital goodness is not limited by procreation. Where procreation is not possible, many couples choose to adopt a child into their family and, regardless of intention, also reflect the divine love that leads God to adopt us as His own (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:5).
Embracing Adoption

Embracing Adoption

God builds families and gives the blessing of children through birth and also through adoption. When we embrace the opportunity of adoption, we follow in the heart of God. The church, as the family of God, can support adoptive families and become extensions of God’s mercy.
You Matter

You Matter

 Eugenics is practiced when it is recommended that children with abnormalities and birth defects are aborted. But ...
Will Power

Will Power

Logical conclusions: According to Wesley Clark’s existentialist metaphysics, most of us are not alive. Will Power
Our Littlest Neighbors

Our Littlest Neighbors

A great darkness has fallen upon us. In the 1973 landmark decision known as Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court struck ...
Lawmakers Lawbreakers

Lawmakers Lawbreakers

Even though churches have lost significant influence over society, they do at least retain authority over their ...
Katie’s Story

Katie’s Story

Each reason for choosing abortion is unique. Yet one thread runs through many women’s stories — insecurity. That thread is often tangled with the threads of alcohol or drug abuse. Katie’s story is shot through with all those threads. Years later, she had to confront what she had done.
Great Sinners

Great Sinners

 If the Germans can confess collective guilt, why can’t we? Let us repent of our complicity in abortion. Great Sinners
Children of Light

Children of Light

 The darkness of Roe v. Wade gives children of light opportunities to share with those who feel trapped in the ...