Martin Luther knew from experience what it was to be despondent and anxious. He had bouts with this all his life, ...
Think About. . .The Body of Christ (Leader Guide)
Think About. . . The Body of Christ (Participant ...
Those who minimize sound doctrine and promote feelings and experience must recognize they plot a course for ...
Assessment Tool
Steps for Improving Ministry Accessibility
Recognizing God’s double sovereignty over all of life can enable Christians to be engaged in a positive, ...
Why? Even “good families” with fine Christian parents may have it. In spite of their best efforts, one of the ...
To be amoral is to be unable to distinguish morally acceptable behavior from morally unacceptable behavior. ...
See the information sheet that has resources on ministering to people with mental illness and to their ...
When the mother of a disabled man says he’s perfect, she’s saying that the Lord, in His wisdom and mercy, has made ...
Written by Kathleen Winkler with meditations by the Rev. Dr. Harold L. Senkbeil, this book includes stories of 19 post-abortive women who recall their abortion experiences. The stories contain remembering, remorse, and regret. The author tells stories of how repentance happened, forgiveness was found, and the crying stopped.
Modern psychology is not an innocent helping-discipline to carelessly borrow from the left-hand kingdom and merge ...
God’s grace is sufficient, even for the sadness of a stillbirth.
He Knows Our Pain