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Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S3Ep2. Family by Blood or Water | Dr. Dave Rueter

What’s it mean to be in a family these days? Are blood relations what decide family ties? How does Jesus shake up our understanding of family and broaden its definition? How does baptismal water bring people closer together than genetics or bloodline? Listen in as Dr. Dave Rueter leads us in the fundamentals of family.

Bio: Dr. Dave Rueter is a rostered DCE and the author of Teaching the Faith at Home and Called to Serve (both CPH) as well as a contributor to Relationships Count and Connected for Life (also both CPH). Dave is married to Andrea and has two sons, James and Wesley. Since 1998 he has served as DCE for congregations in Huntington Beach, Rancho Cucamonga, and now Livermore, CA as well as on faculty at Concordia University Irvine and the staff of the Pacific Southwest District. Dr. Rueter is certified by the Fuller Youth Institute as the official LCMS Growing Young speaker. Learn more at

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